Blockchain Technology
Blockchain can be defined as a distributed database technology that can record transactions between various end users in a secure and permanent way. By distributing databases between multiple end users, blockchain essentially removes the need for intermediaries who were previously required to act as trusted third parties to verify, record and coordinate transactions.
By facilitating the move from a centralized to a decentralized and distributed system, blockchain effectively liberates data that was previously kept in safeguarded location.
Ash Logistics has identified the gap of centralised database management in the field of supply chain & logistics and therefore decided to start working on the ‘BlockChain Technology’.

Ash Logistics has identified the gap of centralised database management in the field of supply chain & logistics and therefore decided to start working on the ‘BlockChain Technology’.

Below are the focused area where we are building Private Blockchain Solutions:
Also we have identified traceability area for blockchain development in global supply chain & logistics industry where our customers can be benefited by cost-saving, elimination/reduction in transactions by automation of blockchain, accelerate physical & document flow of goods, real time data driven decision making system and big data warehouse and high computing capabilities for management information system.